Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Frothy Mix" Santorum: Gay Relationships Don't Benefit Society

In the same vein of bigotry demonstrated by the Virginia House of Delegates and supported by the religious extremists at The Family Foundation, Rick "Froth Mix" Santorum told a gay man at a campaign appearance in Missouri that the man was not entitled to civil equality because "gay relationships don't benefit society." Apparently, under Santorum's reading of the U. S. Constitution, the Equal Protection Clause and the right to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness are reserved only for heterosexuals. If he could get away with it, I suspect Santorum would likewise say that such rights really only apply to whites as well. One has to wonder what profound psychological disturbance troubles individuals like Santorum and Victoria Cobb suffer from that they apparently can only feel good about themselves when denigrating others and striving to marginalize the rights of others. Think Progress looks at Santorum's latest foul batshitery. Here are highlights:
Rick Santorum told a gay man in Fulton, Missouri Friday afternoon that he didn?t deserve the ?privilege? of marriage because his same-sex relationship does not ?benefit? society in the same way that opposite-sex marriage does. Marriage, Santorum explained is an ?intrinsic good? in which gay and lesbian people should not be allowed to partake in:
SANTORUM: You?re not entitled ?to special treatment under the law?[Marriage is] not a right, it?s something that has existed since the beginning of human history as an institution where men and women come together for the purposes of forming a natural relationship as God made it to be. And for the purposes of having children and continuing that civilization. It is an intrinsic good?And as a result of that, we extend a privilege. We extend certain privileges to people who do that because we want to encourage that behavior. [...]

Two people who may like each other or may love each other who are same-sex, is that a special relationship? Yes it is, but it is not the same relationship that benefits society like a marriage between a man and a woman.


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