Friday, July 20, 2012

What would you ask a Senator - Forums

1. ENOUGH already on the extensions... these kids deserve permanance quickly! 2 to 2.5+ years in foster care is just not acceptable.
2. FP need to have a voice in court. SW so often sweep things under the rug to acheive interest of the child needs to be paramount, not getting a case off the workers caseload.
3. FP do not need to be transporting/supervising visits with bio family unless/until RU is imminent, unless the FP agrees up front to do so.
4. Getting licensed shouldnt take so darn long...( this is something MY state has an issue with- yours may not- we are 8 months in and still not licensed and we were already approved for adoption)
5. Adoption assistance should be a given, not something parents have to fight for. These kids were hurt and/or damaged by thier birthparents and/or the social system, adoptive parents should not have to pick up the pieces AND financially suffer for it.
6. Make ICPC a steamlined efficient system that benefits the kids. Location should not be a barrier to adoption. (I think thats why the ICPC was originally started, but many states absolutely refuse to adopt out of state due to the "hassle". I live 20 mins away from another State line, which happens to be overburdoned with kids, but they refuse to even read a homestudy from out of state.
7. Hold birthparents accountable for thier caseplan. From what I have heard/read/been told they are usually bare minimum requirements to begin with. Too many kids are sent right back into the same situations they came from.
I havent even fostered YET and I could go on and on.... The system is so messed up, and FP are stuck with no voice, no options, and very little compensation for the days/weeks/months/years that they spend trying to heal the hurt inflicted on these kids.
Im sure there are with everything. There are BP that follow their plans and do whatever they can as quickly as they can, there are caseworkers that really do their best to serve their kids, and there are judges/magistrates that rule with the kids best interest in mind. But then there is the flip side...which seems to be the majority!
Lazy caseworkers, Bad Foster Homes, unlcear caseplans, and extended cases need to be the exceptions, not the norm.
But yet, somehow, I still really can't wait for my first placement!!!! Crazy am I? LOL AT least I took off my rose colored glasses beforehand!


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